Our company is one of the few in Poland involved in the adaptation and sale of low-voltage circuit breakers in the field:
- to 5000A series UAB, and UCB / UPB to 630A Hyundai Electric,
- to type 6300A Masterpact NT / NW and Compact NS / NSX up to 630A made by Schneider Electric,
To meet the expectations of our existing and future customers we have invested more than 5 million PLN to create a permanent stock of these products at our warehouse.
For all marketed products we give full warranty and post-warranty service.
Additional support services:
- measurements and protection settings,
- changes in the configurations already working circuit breakers
- (protection, drives, relays, Modbus communication, etc.),
- emergency replacement of damaged circuit breakers,
- repair of damaged circuit breakers
We offer fast availability, competitive pricing and technical advises at the highest level.